NB: Do not use the download button above. Go to the repository on GitHub to access the files.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Jan 26 11:09:38 2021
@author: blagau
trange = [tmva_int[0].astype(dtm.datetime) - tmarg, \
tmva_int[1].astype(dtm.datetime) + tmarg]
str_trange = trange[0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") +\
' - ' + trange[1].strftime("%H:%M:%S")
str_tmva = (tmva_int[0].astype(dtm.datetime)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") +\
' - ' + (tmva_int[1].astype(dtm.datetime)).strftime("%H:%M:%S")
tmva_mid = tmva_int[0] + (tmva_int[1] - tmva_int[0])/2.
str_fname = (tmva_int[0].astype(dtm.datetime)).strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") +\
'_' + (tmva_int[1].astype(dtm.datetime)).strftime("%H%M%S")
indfile = np.where((ti >= trange[0]) & (ti <= trange[1]))[0]
fname_out = 'MVA_sw'+sat[0] + '_'+ str_fname +'.dat'
fname_fig = 'MVA_sw'+sat[0] + '_'+ str_fname +'.pdf'
mva_results = 'MVA interval: '+ \
tmva_int[0].astype(dtm.datetime).strftime("%H:%M:%S") + ' - ' + \
tmva_int[1].astype(dtm.datetime).strftime("%H:%M:%S") +'\n' + \
r'$\mathbf{N_{GEO}}$' +':'+ ' ['+ '{:.4f}, '.format(mindir[0]) +\
'{:.4f}, '.format(mindir[1]) + '{:.4f}]'.format(mindir[2]) +'\n' + \
'eigenvalues ratio: ' + '{:.2f}'.format(eigval[2]/eigval[1]) +'\n' + \
'FAC inclination (positive from '+r'$\mathbf{V_{sat}}$'+ ' to '+ \
r'$\mathbf{N_{tang}}$' + ' along '+ r'$\mathbf{R_{sat}}$' + '): ' + \
'{:.1f}'.format(np.min(ang[indok[:-1]])) + r'$^{\degree}$' +\
' ' +r'$\mathrm{\div}$'+ ' ' + '{:.1f}'.format(np.max(ang[indok[:-1]])) + r'$^{\degree}$'
# exports the results
with open(fname_out, 'w') as file:
file.write('# Swarm sat: ' + str(sat[0]) + '\n')
file.write('# Model: ' + Bmodel + '\n')
file.write('# time interval: ' + str_trange + '\n')
file.write('######### MVA results #########\n')
file.write('# MVA interval: ' + str_tmva + '\n')
file.write('# B_unit: '+ format(eigval[0],'.2f')+' ['+ format(B_unit[0],'.4f')\
+ ', '+format(B_unit[1], '.4f') +', '+format(B_unit[2], '.4f') +'] \n')
file.write('# minvar: '+ format(eigval[1],'.2f')+' ['+ format(mindir[0],'.4f')\
+ ', '+format(mindir[1], '.4f') +', '+format(mindir[2], '.4f') +'] \n')
file.write('# maxvar: '+ format(eigval[2],'.2f')+' ['+ format(maxdir[0],'.4f')\
+ ', '+format(maxdir[1], '.4f') +', '+format(maxdir[2], '.4f') +'] \n')
file.write('# eigenvalues ratio: ' + format(eigval[2]/eigval[1], '.1f') +'\n')
file.write('# FAC inclination wrt Vsat (tangential plane): ' + \
format(np.min(ang[indok[:-1]]), '.1f') + ' - ' + \
format(np.max(ang[indok[:-1]]), '.1f') + ' deg. \n')
file.write('# time [YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS],\tdB_mva_{B, minvar, maxvar} [nT] \n')
dBmva_df.iloc[indfile].to_csv(fname_out, mode='a', sep=",", date_format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S',\
float_format='%15.3f', header=False)
# creates fig and axes objects
fig_size = (8.27,11.69)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size, frameon=True)
fig.suptitle('MVA results on Swarm'+sat[0] + ' ' +\
tmva_mid.astype(dtm.datetime).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), \
size='xx-large', weight = 'bold', y=0.99)
plt.figtext(0.04, 0.95, mva_results, fontsize = 'x-large', \
va='top', ha = 'left')
xle, xri, ybo, yto = 0.125, 0.94, 0.45, 0.15 # plot margins
ratp = np.array([1, 1, 1, 0.5]) #relative hight of each panel
hsep = 0.005 # vspace between panels
nrp = len(ratp)
hun = (1-yto - ybo - (nrp-1)*hsep)/ratp.sum()
yle = np.zeros(nrp) # y left for each panel
yri = np.zeros(nrp)
for ii in range(nrp):
yle[ii] = (1 - yto) - ratp[: ii+1].sum()*hun - ii*hsep
yri[ii] = yle[ii] + hun*ratp[ii]
# creates axes for each panel
ax = [0] * (nrp+1)
for ii in range(nrp):
ax[ii] = fig.add_axes([xle, yle[ii], xri-xle, hun*ratp[ii]])
ax[ii].set_xlim(pd.Timestamp(trange[0]), pd.Timestamp(trange[1]))
for ii in range(nrp -1):
#Plots time-series quantities
ax[0].set_ylabel('$dB_{GEO}$ sw'+sat[0]+'\n[nT]', linespacing=1.7)
ax[0].axvline(tmva_int[0], ls='--', c='k')
ax[0].axvline(tmva_int[1], ls='--', c='k')
ax[0].legend(['dB_N', 'dB_E', 'dB_C' ], loc = (0.95, 0.1), handlelength=1)
ax[0].axhline(0, ls='--', c='k')
ax[1].set_ylabel('$dB_{MVA}$ sw'+sat[0]+'\n[nT]', linespacing=1.7)
ax[1].axvline(tmva_int[0], ls='--', c='k')
ax[1].axvline(tmva_int[1], ls='--', c='k')
ax[1].legend(['dB_B', 'dB_min', 'dB_max' ], loc = (0.93, 0.1), handlelength=1)
ax[1].axhline(0, ls='--', c='k')
if use_filter:
ax[2].plot(jb_flt_df, label='FAC')
ax[2].plot(jb_inc_flt_df, label='FAC_inc')
ax[2].plot(jb_df, label='FAC')
ax[2].plot(jb_inc_df, label='FAC_inc')
ax[2].axhline(0, ls='--', c='k')
ax[2].axvline(tmva_int[0], ls='--', c='k')
ax[2].axvline(tmva_int[1], ls='--', c='k')
ax[2].set_ylabel(r'$J_{FAC}$'+'\n'+r'$[\mu A/m^2]$', linespacing=1.7)
ax[2].legend(loc = (0.93, 0.6), handlelength=1)
ax[3].axvline(tmva_int[0], ls='--', c='k')
ax[3].axvline(tmva_int[1], ls='--', c='k')
ax[3].set_ylabel(r'$ang_NV$'+'\n'+r'$[deg]$', linespacing=1.7)
ax[4] = fig.add_axes([xle, 0.03, xri-xle, 0.30])
ax[4].set_title('Hodogram of '+r'$dB_{minvar}$'+ ' vs. '+\
r'$dB_{maxvar}$' , fontsize = 'xx-large', pad = 15)
ax[4].plot(dBmva_df.values[indfile,2], dBmva_df.values[indfile,1], label='plot_range')
ax[4].plot(dBmva_df.values[indok,2], dBmva_df.values[indok,1], label='MVA range')
ax[4].plot(dBmva_df.values[indok[0],2], dBmva_df.values[indok[0],1], \
label='start', color='green', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=8)
ax[4].plot(dBmva_df.values[indok[-1],2], dBmva_df.values[indok[-1],1], \
label='stop', color='red', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=8)
ax[4].set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
ax[4].set_xlabel(r'$dB_{maxvar}$'+'\n'+r'$[nT]$', linespacing=1.7)
ax[4].set_ylabel(r'$dB_{minvar}$'+'\n'+r'$[nT]$', linespacing=1.7)
ax[4].legend(loc = (0.9, 0.9), handlelength=1)
latc = Rsph[:,0]
lonc = Rsph[:,1]
locx = ax[nrp-1].get_xticks()
latc_ipl = np.round(np.interp(locx, mdt.date2num(dat_df.index), \
latc), decimals=2).astype('str')
lonc_ipl = np.round(np.interp(locx, mdt.date2num(dat_df.index), \
lonc), decimals=2).astype('str')
qdlat_ipl = np.round(np.interp(locx, mdt.date2num(dat_df.index), \
dat_df['QDLat']), decimals=2).astype('str')
qdlon_ipl = np.round(np.interp(locx, mdt.date2num(dat_df.index), \
dat_df['QDLon']), decimals=2).astype('str')
mlt_ipl = np.round(np.interp(locx, mdt.date2num(dat_df.index), \
dat_df['MLT']), decimals=1).astype('str')
lab_fin = ['']*len(locx)
for ii in range(len(locx)):
lab_ini = mdt.num2date(locx[ii]).strftime('%H:%M:%S')
lab_fin[ii] = lab_ini + '\n' +latc_ipl[ii] + '\n' + lonc_ipl[ii]+ \
'\n'+ qdlat_ipl[ii] + '\n' +qdlon_ipl[ii] + '\n' + mlt_ipl[ii]
plt.figtext(0.01, 0.368, 'Time\nLat\nLon\nQLat\nQLon\nMLT')