NB: Do not use the download button above. Go to the repository on GitHub to access the files.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Jan 20 12:05:43 2020
@author: blagau
str_trange = dtime_beg.replace('-','')[:8]+'_'+ \
dtime_beg.replace(':','')[11:17] + '_'+dtime_end.replace(':','')[11:17]
ss = sats[0]+sats[1]
fname_in = 'input_dual_sat_atmuso_' + str_trange +'.dat'
fname_out = 'FAC_sw'+ss+'_atmuso_'+ str_trange +'.dat'
# fname_FlagsB = 'FlagsB_nonzero_'+ str_trange +'.dat'
fname_fig = 'FAC_sw'+ss+'_atmuso_'+ str_trange +'.pdf'
# export the results
namecol = ['Rcx','Rcy','Rcz','ux ','uy ','uz ', 'angBN ', \
'log_CN ', 'Jfac ', 'errJ ', 'Jrad']
dfResults = pd.DataFrame(np.concatenate((Rmeso, nuvec, angBN[...,None],\
np.log10(condnum[...,None]), Jfac.values[...,None], \
errJ.values[...,None], Jrad.values[...,None]), axis=1), \
columns=namecol, index=dt4)
with open(fname_out, 'w') as file:
file.write('# Swarm sats: ' + str(sats) + '\n')
file.write('# Time-shift in sec.: '+ str(tshift) + '\n')
file.write('# Along track separation in sec.: '+ str(dt_along) + '\n')
file.write('# Use filter: ' + str(use_filter) + '\n')
file.write('# time [%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f],\tRc{xyz} [km],\t nuvec{xyz},\t angBN [deg],\
log_CN,\t Jfac [microA/m^2],\terrJ [microA/m^2],\t Jrad [microA/m^2]\n')
dfResults.to_csv(fname_out, mode='a', sep=",", date_format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f', \
float_format='%15.5f', header=False, na_rep='NaN')
# creates fig and axes objects
fig_size = (8.27,11.69)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size, frameon=True)
fig.suptitle('FAC density estimate with dual-sat. method\n', size='xx-large', y=0.995)
# designes the panel frames
xle, xri, ybo, yto = 0.125, 0.95, 0.34, 0.07 # plot margins
ratp = np.array([1, 1, 0.6, 0.6, 1.5, 0.6 ]) # relative hight of each panel
hsep = 0.005 # vspace between panels
nrp = len(ratp)
hun = (1-yto - ybo - (nrp-1)*hsep)/ratp.sum()
yle = np.zeros(nrp) # y left for each panel
yri = np.zeros(nrp)
for ii in range(nrp):
yle[ii] = (1 - yto) - ratp[: ii+1].sum()*hun - ii*hsep
yri[ii] = yle[ii] + hun*ratp[ii]
# creates axex for each panel
ax = [0] * nrp
for ii in range(nrp):
ax[ii] = fig.add_axes([xle, yle[ii], xri-xle, hun*ratp[ii]])
ax[ii].set_xlim(pd.Timestamp(dtime_beg), pd.Timestamp(dtime_end))
for ii in range(nrp -1):
#Plots time-series quantities
ax[0].set_title('Time interval: ' + dtime_beg[:10]+' ' +\
dtime_beg[11:19] + ' - '+dtime_end[11:19] +'\n' + \
'sats: [' + sats[0]+', ' + sats[1]+'] ' + \
'time-shifts : '+ str(tshift) + ' sec.'\
' use_filter: ' + str(use_filter))
ax[0].plot(RsphBswBmod[('Bsw',sats[indmax])] - RsphBswBmod[('Bmod',sats[indmax])])
ax[0].set_ylabel('$dB_{NEC}$ sw'+sats[indmax]+'\n[nT]', linespacing=1.7)
ax[0].legend(['dB_N', 'dB_E', 'dB_C' ], loc = (0.95, 0.1), handlelength=1)
ax[1].plot(RsphBswBmod[('Bsw',sats[indmin])] - RsphBswBmod[('Bmod',sats[indmin])])
ax[1].get_shared_y_axes().join(ax[0], ax[1])
ax[1].get_shared_x_axes().join(ax[0], ax[1])
ax[1].set_ylabel('$dB_{NEC}$ sw'+sats[indmin]+'\n[nT]', linespacing=1.7)
ax[1].legend(['dB_N', 'dB_E', 'dB_C' ], loc = (0.95, 0.1), handlelength=1)
ax[2].plot(dt4, np.log10(condnum))
ax[3].plot(dt4, angBN)
if len(ANGind):
for ii in range(len(grpANGind)):
ax[3].axvline(ANGstart[ii], ls='--', c='k', lw=0.5)
ax[3].axvline(ANGstop[ii], ls='--', c='k', lw=0.5)
ax[4].axhline(y=0, linestyle='--', color='k', linewidth=0.7)
ax[4].set_ylabel('$J_{FAC}$\n[$\mu A/m^2$]', linespacing=1.7)
ax[4].legend(['$\mathrm{LS}$', '$\mathrm{ESA\,\, L2}$'], loc = (0.93, 0.1), \
ax[5].set_ylabel('errJ\n[$\mu A/m^2$]', linespacing=1.7)
if len(EZind):
for ii in range(len(grpEZind)):
ax[5].axvline(EZstart[ii], ls='--', c='k', lw=0.5)
ax[5].axvline(EZstop[ii], ls='--', c='k', lw=0.5)
# # designes the multiple line xticklabels
locx = ax[5].get_xticks()
dt_trail = dt[:ndt4]
latc = Rsph[:ndt4,indmax,0]
lonc = Rsph[:ndt4,indmax,1]
QDlatc = Aux[:ndt4,indmax,0]
QDlonc = Aux[:ndt4,indmax,1]
MLTc = Aux[:ndt4,indmax,2]
latc_ipl = np.round(np.interp(locx, mdt.date2num(dt_trail), \
latc), decimals=2).astype('str')
lonc_ipl = np.round(np.interp(locx, mdt.date2num(dt_trail), \
lonc), decimals=2).astype('str')
QDlatc_ipl = np.round(np.interp(locx, mdt.date2num(dt_trail), \
QDlatc), decimals=2).astype('str')
QDlonc_ipl = np.round(np.interp(locx, mdt.date2num(dt_trail), \
QDlonc), decimals=2).astype('str')
MLTc_ipl = np.round(np.interp(locx, mdt.date2num(dt_trail), \
MLTc), decimals=2).astype('str')
lab_fin = ['']*len(locx)
for ii in range(len(locx)):
lab_ini = mdt.num2date(locx[ii]).strftime('%H:%M:%S')
lab_fin[ii] = lab_ini + '\n' +latc_ipl[ii] + '\n' + lonc_ipl[ii]+ \
'\n' + QDlatc_ipl[ii] + '\n' + QDlonc_ipl[ii] + '\n' + MLTc_ipl[ii]
plt.figtext(0.01, 0.252, 'Time\nLat\nLon\nQDLat\nQDLon\nMLT')
# designes the insets to plot s/c constellation
xmar, ymar, xsep = 0.1, 0.04, 0.05
xwi = (1 - 2*xmar - 2*xsep)/3. # inset width
rat = fig_size[0]/fig_size[1] # useful to fix the same scales on x and y
# creates axes for each panel
ax_conf = [0, 0, 0.]
for ii in range(3):
ax_conf[ii] = fig.add_axes([xmar + ii*(xwi+xsep), ymar, xwi, xwi*rat])
ic=np.array([1, Rmeso.shape[0]//2, Rmeso.shape[0]-2]) # indexes for ploting the s/c
Ri_nec = np.full((len(ic),4,3),np.nan)
Vi_nec = np.full((len(ic),4,3),np.nan)
nlim_nec = np.zeros((len(ic), 2))
elim_nec = np.zeros((len(ic), 2))
z_geo = np.array([0., 0., 1.])
for ii in range(len(ic)):
pos_i = ic[ii]
# computes NEC associated with the mesocenter location Rmeso
Ci_unit = -Rmeso[pos_i,:]/np.linalg.norm(Rmeso[pos_i,:])[...,None]
Ei_geo = np.cross(Ci_unit, z_geo)
Ei_unit = Ei_geo/np.linalg.norm(Ei_geo)
Ni_geo = np.cross(Ei_unit, Ci_unit)
Ni_unit = Ni_geo/np.linalg.norm(Ni_geo)
trmat_i = np.stack((Ni_unit, Ei_unit, Ci_unit))
# transform the sats. position from GEO mesocentric to NEC mesocentric
Ri_geo = R4s[pos_i, :, :]
Ri_nec[ii, :, :] = np.matmul(trmat_i, Ri_geo[...,None]).reshape(Ri_geo.shape)
nlim_nec[ii,:] = [max(Ri_nec[ii, :, 0]), min(Ri_nec[ii, :, 0])]
elim_nec[ii,:] = [max(Ri_nec[ii, :, 1]), min(Ri_nec[ii, :, 1])]
Vi_geo = (R4s[pos_i+1, :, :] - R4s[pos_i-1, :, :])/2.
Vi_geo_unit = Vi_geo/np.linalg.norm(Vi_geo,axis=-1)[...,None]
Vi_nec[ii, :, :] = np.matmul(trmat_i, Vi_geo_unit[...,None]).reshape(Vi_geo.shape)
# computes the (common) range along N and E
dn_span = max(nlim_nec[:,0] - nlim_nec[:,1])
de_span = max(elim_nec[:,0] - elim_nec[:,1])
d_span = max(np.concatenate((nlim_nec[:,0] - nlim_nec[:,1],
elim_nec[:,0] - elim_nec[:,1])))*1.2
# plots the s/c positions
icolor = ['b', 'r']
for ii in range(len(ic)):
norig = np.mean(nlim_nec[ii, :])
eorig = np.mean(elim_nec[ii, :])
ax_conf[ii].set_xlim( norig - d_span/2., norig + d_span/2. )
ax_conf[ii].set_ylim( eorig - d_span/2., eorig + d_span/2. )
xquad, yquad = [], []
for kk in [0, 1, 3, 2, 0]:
xquad.append(Ri_nec[ii, kk, 0])
yquad.append(Ri_nec[ii, kk, 1])
ax_conf[ii].plot(xquad, yquad, c='k', linestyle=':', linewidth=1)
ax_conf[ii].arrow(0, 0, d_span/10*Vi_nec[ii, kk, 0], d_span/10*Vi_nec[ii, kk, 1], \
color='k', head_width = 4)
for jj in range(4):
ax_conf[ii].scatter(Ri_nec[ii, jj, 0], Ri_nec[ii, jj, 1], marker='o' ,\
c=icolor[jj % 2], label=sats[jj%2])
ax_conf[0].set_ylabel('East [km]')
ax_conf[0].set_xlabel('North [km]')
ax_conf[1].set_xlabel('North [km]')
ax_conf[2].set_xlabel('North [km]')
handles, labels = ax_conf[2].get_legend_handles_labels()
ax_conf[2].legend(handles[0:2],['sw'+sats[0],'sw'+sats[1]], loc = (0.98, 0.7),\
labelcolor=icolor, handlelength=1, ncol = 1)