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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Jul 27 19:10:03 2020
@author: blagau
# create fig and axes objects
# selects a data interval centered on timesB
timesFAC = [timesA[idxconj[0]], timesB[idxconj[1]], timesC[idxconj[2]]]
df_int = [dat_fac[ii][timesFAC[1] - marg : timesFAC[1] + marg] for ii in range(3)]
tbeg = dBgeo.index[0]
tend = dBgeo.index[-1]
fname_fig = 'swABC_conjunction_'+ \
timesFAC[1].strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M') +'.pdf'
fig_size = (8.27,11.69)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size, frameon=True)
fig.suptitle('Swarm conjunction interval: ' + tbeg.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + \
' ' + tbeg.strftime('%H:%M') + ' - ' + tend.strftime('%H:%M'), \
size='xx-large', fontweight = 'demibold', y=0.992)
# designes the panel frames
xle, xri, ybo, yto = 0.12, 0.94, 0.03, 0.06 # plot margins
ratp = np.array([1.2, 0.6, 1.2, 0.6, 1.2, 0.6, 1., 1., 1.]) #relative hight of each panel
hsep = np.array([0., 0., 0.07, 0., 0.07, 0., 0.07, 0.0, 0.0]) # vspace between panels
nrp = len(ratp)
hun = (1 - yto - ybo - hsep.sum())/ratp.sum()
ylo = np.zeros(nrp) # y low for each panel
yhi = np.zeros(nrp) # y high for each panel
for ii in range(0, nrp):
ylo[ii] = (1 - yto) - ratp[: ii+1].sum()*hun - hsep[: ii+1].sum()
yhi[ii] = ylo[ii] + hun*ratp[ii]
# creates axex for each panel
ax = [0] * nrp
for ii in range(nrp):
ax[ii] = fig.add_axes([xle, ylo[ii], xri-xle, hun*ratp[ii]])
for ii in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
ax[ii].set_xlim(timesFAC[1] - marg, timesFAC[1] + marg)
for ii in [6, 7, 8]:
ax[ii].get_shared_x_axes().join(ax[6], ax[7], ax[8])
#gets the QDLat trend, sign, maximum value, and value at central FAC
qd_trends_conj, qd_signs_conj, qd_max_conj, qd_aos_conj = \
(np.zeros(3) for i in range(4))
for ii in range(3):
qd_trends_conj[ii] = qd_trends_3sc[ii][idxconj[ii]]
qd_signs_conj[ii] = qd_signs_3sc[ii][idxconj[ii]]
qd_max_conj[ii] = df_int[ii]['QDLat'].abs().max()
qd_aos_conj[ii] = qd_aos_3sc[ii][idxconj[ii]]
# defines the common QDLat range for the last three panels as:
# - lower limit is the mean QDLat values of the central FACs, minus 7 degree
# - upper value as +/- maximum QDLat absolute values
# - the trend and sign is taken from SwarmA
ss = qd_signs_conj[0]
tt = qd_trends_conj[0]
qd_range = ss*np.array([abs(qd_aos_conj.mean().round()) - 7, np.ceil(qd_max_conj.max())])
if ss*tt < 0:
qd_range = np.flip(qd_range)
# Plots title
ax[0].set_title('\ntime differences: ' + \
' swA - swB = ' + str(int((timesFAC[0] - timesFAC[1]).total_seconds())) + \
' swC - swB = ' + str(int((timesFAC[2] - timesFAC[1]).total_seconds())),\
fontsize = 'xx-large', pad = 8)
# Plots the coresponding evolutions
for jj in range(nsc):
df_int_sc = df_int[jj]
# plot the fpanels with dBgeo data
ax[jj*2].set_ylabel('$dB_{GEOC}$ sw'+sats[jj]+'\n[nT]', linespacing=1.7)
ax[jj*2].axvline(timesFAC[jj], ls='--', c='k')
ax[jj*2].axvline(timesFAC[1], ls='--', c='r')
ax[jj*2].axvline(df_int_sc['QDLat'].abs().idxmax(), ls='-', c='b')
# plots the fpanels with filtered FAC data
ax[jj*2 + 1].plot(df_int_sc['FAC_flt_sup'], linewidth=2)
ax[jj*2 + 1].set_ylabel('$J_{FAC}$\n[$\mu A/m^2$]', linespacing=1.7)
ax[jj*2 + 1].axvline(timesFAC[jj], ls='--', c='k')
ax[jj*2 + 1].axvline(timesFAC[1], ls='--', c='r')
ax[jj*2 + 1].axvline(df_int_sc['QDLat'].abs().idxmax(), ls='-', c='b')
ax[jj*2 + 1].axhline(0, ls='--', c='k')
# adds QDLat, QDLon and MLT tick labels
locx = ax[jj*2 + 1].get_xticks()
qdlat_ipl = np.round(np.interp(locx, mdt.date2num(df_int_sc.index), \
df_int_sc['QDLat']), decimals=2).astype('str')
qdlon_ipl = np.round(np.interp(locx, mdt.date2num(df_int_sc.index), \
df_int_sc['QDLon']), decimals=2).astype('str')
mlt_ipl = np.round(np.interp(locx, mdt.date2num(df_int_sc.index), \
df_int_sc['MLT']), decimals=1).astype('str')
lab_fin = ['']*len(locx)
for ix in range(len(locx)):
lab_ini = mdt.num2date(locx[ix]).strftime('%H:%M:%S')
lab_fin[ix] = lab_ini + '\n' +qdlat_ipl[ix] + '\n' + \
qdlon_ipl[ix] + '\n' + mlt_ipl[ix]
ax[jj*2 + 1].set_xticklabels(lab_fin)
plt.figtext(0.01, ylo[jj*2 + 1]-0.008, 'Time\nQDLat\nQDLon\nMLT', va='top')
plt.figtext(0.96, (ylo[jj*2 + 1]+yhi[jj*2])/2, 'Swarm '+ sats[jj], va='center', \
rotation=90, size='xx-large', fontweight = 'medium')
# computes dBgeo as function of QDLat. For that takes the start and stop
# times for the quarter-orbit and applies find_jabs_midcsum to computes
# the evolution of time as a function of QDLat
tbeg_qor = beg_qor_3sc[jj][idxconj[jj]]
tend_qor = end_qor_3sc[jj][idxconj[jj]]
qorb_jj = dat_fac[jj][tbeg_qor:tend_qor] # quarter-orbit data
tjhalf, qd_trend, qd_sign, qd_absmax, qdlon, ti_arr, jb_arr, jabs_csum, \
qd_arr = find_jabs_midcsum(qorb_jj)
cmp = ['X', 'Y', 'Z']
db_arr = np.zeros((len(ti_arr),3))
for ic in range(3):
db_arr[:,ic] = np.interp(ti_arr, dBgeo[('dBgeo',sats[jj])].index.values.astype(float), \
ind_qd = (np.abs(ti_arr - tjhalf)).argmin()
# plots the last three panels with dBgeo as function of QDLat.
ax[jj + 6].plot(qd_arr, db_arr)
ax[jj + 6].set_ylabel('$dB_{GEOC}$ sw'+sats[jj]+'\n[nT]', linespacing=1.7)
ax[jj + 6].axvline(qd_aos_conj[jj], ls='--', c='k')
ax[jj + 6].axhline(0, ls='--', c='k')
ax[jj + 6].xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(10))
ax[jj + 6].set_xlim(qd_range)
if jj in range(2):
ax[jj + 6].set_xticklabels([])
ax[jj + 6].get_shared_y_axes().join(ax[6], ax[7], ax[8])
plt.figtext(0.01, ylo[8]-0.008, 'QDLat', va='top')